Some solutions that work well for your child with cognitive deficiencies can be hard to find.
Some may not even exist yet. But as technology advances so does how and where we apply it.
Below are some great articles on supporting technologies that will give you ideas for new interventions.
How is Tech Supporting Children's Mental Health?
"There’s a wealth of evidence that play-based therapy is highly effective with children and young people. When we combine it with children’s love of technology, engagement levels increase even more, as do the therapeutic results. At our service, the games and creative resources are designed to reduce anxiety and improve self-esteem, and by gamifying sessions, we’re also improving our chances at
engaging typically ‘hard to reach’ children and young people."
"The laptops were credited with improving the engagement of students with disabilities with their school work; increasing their motivation and ability
to work independently; and improving their class participation, interaction with other students, interaction with teachers, and class preparation."
Laptop Use By Seventh Grade Students with Disabilities: Perceptions of Special Education Teachers
Emerging Technologies and the Frontiers of Autism Research
"The child-led gaming process also afforded each therapist the opportunity to pay close attention to the child’s preferences, curiosities and choices, while promoting a close attachment between patient and therapist. Kids with ASD have a difficult time conveying who they are as individuals and in making close personal relationships with others, so the quality of that warm connection with their therapists was key. The children’s choices helped them express their identity and individuality, something clearly important to them but that they had a lot of trouble doing. It was a far more joyful process than I had seen in regular clinical settings, and the crucial element was that the kids were learning via an activity they had come to enjoy for their own reasons, through the use of a digital device."
Discover Innovative Solutions
A prescription digital therapeutic intended to improve attention function in children with ADHD.
The robot companion is designed to support social, emotional and cognitive development in children.
The first humanoid social
robot scientifically and empirically validated to increase the learning opportunities of children
with autism.